840 EVO Hit By Performance Issue AGAIN!

It seems that the firmware only solve the issue for a while. Not sure if 850 Evo is also hit with the same issue.


That sucks.  Glad I went with a Sandisk Extreme Pro instead.

I had marginal performance decrease in my 840. I updated to the latest firmware then wiped the drive just to be sure. Im sure it will all work it self out as its purely the firmware that is at fault.

About my only real gripe is with the temps. These 840 evo's get bloody hot.

my allmost 2 year old Samsung 840 Pro still performs the same, as wenn it came out of the box.

And i tortured the thing allot. lol.

My 840 EVO has been doing fine for about half a year now. Any tool we can use to compare our models?

Samsung 830 here. still hitting around what it was rated at. 

The pros weren't affected.

I see a firmware update in my future -_-

When the problem was announced I stopped recommending 840 Evos and instead I recommend MX100s, I will do the same even today.

MX100& ARC100 ftw



yeah i know, they have a diffrent controller.

Maybe Samsung will bite the bullet and just replace the drives affected by this. They said it's a small sample size so obviously it was just a batch or few that had issues.

Just benched my 840 EVO 250GB

Was hoping that my sequential [EDIT] write was going to be higher.

Given that the test you are running has said the drive is ranked 76 out of 2,279 Samsung 840 Evo's tested I would say you aren't suffering from any degradation (or at least not by much)

I have the 512gb 840 evo and it gets about 540MB/s read (from memory, i could be wrong so I will check when i get home) so i don't think your score is that bad, even accounting for any possible degradation of performance you may or may not be suffering. from :)


turn on the samsung magician cache and watch the scores go crazy, that particular test might give it a 'bad health' status as they dont like ram caches in general.

I also have the EXT0CB6Q firmware version looking at the Magician software, I have also only written 1.63TB of storage to it.

Just adding a quick note on my 250GB Samsung 840 (non-EVO) that I had mothballed with new data written on the date 2014-09-23, meaning it had by now not not powered for 132 days. I didn't really plan for it to be unused for this long, but just threw some files on there when I first found out of the problems that 840 and 840 EVO appeared to have. At the time my 840 drive that had been playing second fiddle to another did have areas where read speed was about 150 MB/s so at least it appeared partly affected. (a very similar pattern also appeared on my main drive at the time of a different make, but I don't have enough data to warrant putting it out there)

Anyway, today after powering it back on after 132 days of disuse there were no signs of a lowered read speed. Tested first with a simple practical copy test of video files from the drive to a RAMdisk. Then with SSDReadSpeedTester. I'm assuming that at least with these older non-EVO 840's it takes quite a bit of time to the problem to manifest, so if you have one and if there is no improved firmware coming out down the line; you should be fine running the program called DiskFreshHome about twice a year or so.

(For me personally I'm almost ashamed to be feeling okay with, at least as this drive is now SSD #5 in my main system and I just keep it in for a little extra storage space. Threw out the last mechanical drive today, and there was much rejoicing.)