8350 vs i7 4770k

i will be buying a amd 7990 i want to know what cpu to buy the 8350 or the i7 for the build. will the 8350 bottleneck with the 7990? and what is the better value?

all help appreciated

I hope you are trolling, the i7 is over 50% the cost (140$)... (Not including the maybe 2x priced mobo.)

If you compare performance up front, the i7 will win the majority of the time.

I do realize the real question is about a bottle neck with the 8350... In this case, it depends on the games you play... The only game I cannot play with out my cpu bottle necking it is Planetside 2, which is known for it's unoptimization. I have a 7970. Hope this helps.

on another note with the money you would save you could put a nice cooling unit on the 8350 and prob hit 5ghz

Why a 7990? Why not a 780 AND a 4770k? 

It'll be essentially the same game performance, but better productivity performance.

a 7990 should theoretically perform better being a dual gpu card just as the 690 performs better than the titan in many games

gettohamster is a nvidia fanboy the 7990 is much better than the 680 plus with 7990 only $50 bucks more and geting 8 free games the 7990 is a great deal. on a second note i am still am unclear will the 7990 be held back and not used to its full potential paired with the 8350

A lot of people dont like dual gpu solutions. But yeah if you are spending this much already you should just get the 4770k.

What resolution will you be playing at?  If you're only going to be playing at 1080p, there's really no reason to get a HD 7990.  Also, what is your budget for this system, and do you already have any parts in your possession?

i will be playing a 1080p what gpu do you think is the best for gaming? i think if i buy the 7990 and use it for 1080p the card will still be a powerhouse 3 or 4 years from now. 

That's idiocy. People went and bought the Titan because it was a "powerhouse". Then the 780 was released three months later. It had all the performance of the Titan, at half the cost!

Don't buy a 7990 for 1080p! 1080p takes nothing to run.

There's new cards rumoured to release before the end of the year, and it is likely that they will be more preferable. Up-to-date tech, better features and software.

I'm not a fanboy, it's relatively the same performance. In fact, I'm actually going to use a 7950 when I upgrade my PC, it's just budget related.

Not to mention the 7990 overheats like crazy, you'll spend a lot of money just to cool that thing.

that wasnt my question will the 8350 let the 7990 be used to its full potental? because the 7990 its a great deal it comes with 8 free games and maxes out all games at 1440p at playable framerates. at this moment it seems like a good deal and i dont feel like waiting for the new gpus

This thread might help.


I highly suggest you grab a HD 7970 or a GTX 770.  There's really no reason to get a HD 7990.  And it's tough to say whether or not you'll be able to use the HD 7990 to its full potential with a specific CPU such as the 8350. You should be fine, but there's always the possibility that the FX 8350 will hold the 7990 back in certain games.

3 or 4 years from now, the HD 7990 will be obsolete.  Just take a look at the HD 6990.  That card has only been out for 2 years, and it is easily matched by a HD 7970 (out for around a year now; only one year difference).  That is a dual GPU card being shown up by a single GPU card that was released about a year after the fact.  Here's the benchmarks if you wanna see for yourself...



It's your money; buy what you want.  But I'm going to advise you to get a single HD 7970 for around $300. There's no reason to spend more if you're going to be playing at 1080p.  If you want more power, you can add a second 7970 later.  Just make sure your PSU and motherboard is up to the task.  This is a far cheaper path than the 7990.  You get the same performance, you get 6 free games, and you save around $250 in the process depending on which GPUs you are looking at.

There is also the waiting option.  You could wait for AMD's next gen GPUs to arrive.  You'll probably see lots of price drops from both Nvidia and AMD.

if you're going to be playing at 1080 it doesn't much matter how it performs at 1440 now does it?

it's just overkill

For the price of a 7990, you could buy a 1440p monitor and a nice GPU like a 7950.

An 8350 should do the job just fine. Have you seen the GTX 780 benchmarking video teksyndicate posted? even an a10-6800k was keeping up in most games (barring Crysis 3). As far as gaming goes an 8350 shouldn't have much difference to a 4770k. As far as raw performance, the 4770k is probably a lot faster but in games, I would personally go with the 8350.

ok what is a a gpu that could max out all games 1080p?



A single 7950 will let you play most games on ultra. Better to spend $200 on a 7950 now, then upgrade in a year or two with another $200 card.

That way, you always have support for your GPU, plus all the latest technology and features. Better cashflow, too. I'd still wait for those new AMD cards. It is important to determine the performance difference in next-gen gaming. I think BF4 is going to be included in the new AMD games bundle.