8350 vs 8320

I plan on doing an amd build and can't decide which cpu is better.  The price difference between these two is currently about $50.  I plan on overclocking, but not to the extreme.  I hear the 8350 has better potential for overclocking, but is it worth the extra $50?

8350 is the top of the benchmarks and is really worth the extra 50 :)

Get the 8350, or I'm pretty sure you're going to regret it later somehow. :)

The difference between the 8350 & 8320 is really there. I'd say, go top-of-the-line with this one :)


Also for overclocking, I can't speak for the 8320, but the 8350 can be overclocked to 4,4 Ghz with a (preferably custom) air-cooler. This without struggeling too much with millions of settings. thats a 400mhz without real extensive effort.


I'd say even if you hit a limit with 8320, the difference is not worth $50. Especially if "not to the extreme".

in raw terms, the 8350 is about 10-15 % faster, and about 33% more expensive then the 8320.

While I understand Dissentient's logic, the 8350 will probably still provide a more stable chip to overclock with.

http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+FX-8320+Eight-Core   Value verses  performance  only you can decide

8320 has the potential to overclock easily at the 8350 stock level. If you didnt want to overclock the 8350 would be a better buy for the performance.


Does anybody know if the 8350 will be on sale anytime soon, maybe for the 4th?  I missed my chance to pick it up when it was $180.

i just got my 8350 upgraded from an 1100t and i managed to oc it to 5.0 ghz no problem.  the 8320's probable oc limit is 4.6 ish with little hassle and 5.0 with a lot of voltage.

i own and use a 8320 all day i had the same problem 2 when chossing which one to get in the  end i got the 8320 and i dont see a reason to buy the 8350 if u plan on doing overclocking anyways i was able to get a 4.7ghz overclock and it has been running with no issues at 4.6ghz for the last 6 months just go  with the 8320 and spend the extra on a better cooling solution.

I use a h100 if i had a better cooler i see no issue in getting 4.9ghz our 5. Also what motherboard do u plan on getting?

I had a cheep 100$ biostar and it hit a wal at 4.5 ghz. I bought a asus sabertooth board and i kno it can do more that 4.7ghz if i had a better water cooler


I have a H110 already and was planning on picking up a sabertooth also.

if i was in this situation again i would just save the 50 bucks for something else and pick up the 8320. Also the sabertooth is a verry good board ive had no isssues with it so far and ive had it close to a run i used to run a 8120 on it.

The prices changed again today.  I was able to pick up the 8350 from newegg for $180, but the 8320 went back to $160.  I don't mind paying $20 more, but damn, these prices change like the sock market.