i am trying to oc my amd 8350. I have looked in my bios and the highest i could get the cpu voltage up to was 1.44 my mobo is a msi gd-80 and h80i.. help plz?? :(
Make sure your bios is up to date, It's most likely a motherboard issue, but I don't have experience with that motherboard so I cant help you.
1.44 you should be able to hit 4.5-4.7 if you're really careful. It's not bad voltage limit...though if you're trying to hit higher, you might want to check the NB and CPU/NB voltage as well because raising the CPU voltage alone may cause instability with CPU/NB and/or NB. Try to raise those, Make sure you have LOTS of cooling inside of the case, try to do 2:1 if you can from intake:exhaust airflow. h80i should have no problem hitting 4.8, it is a LITTLE bit better than a Noctua NH-D14, so it's quite capable.
Also, make sure you are using a good thermal paste and applied properly. A bad application can cause problems and even short out boards if leaks. 3-5*C can be the difference from bad application to good application. Make sure the RAM is running fully functional with Memtest(run a full cycle). Make sure the dust is cleared. If you can run something like HWMonitor or OCCT while you're doing a benchmark or stress test to see how the voltage is reacting and the temps. It's possible that something may be bottle-necked because of temps or possible energy efficient string you run like Cool and Quiet, C3, etc. I personally like to keep all the energy saving features because i try to hit the most efficient overclock without sacrificing power consumption too greatly.
what should i raise the CPU/NB And NB voltage to? i dont know what the stock voltages for those are but i tried raising the CPU/NB voltage to 1.46 and raised the multiplier to 23.5 and it booted into windows fine but crashed after i stressed it.. should i increase it from there?
Well 4.7 Ghz is the sweet spot for the chip. I would say try to raise CPU/NB first up 1 notch. If the same problem occurs try the NB as well 1 tick. Try to leave the Multiplier alone because 23.5 will probably be the limit, anything higher you'll need custom liquid cooling to have it stable. With AMD chips the NB chipset is very reliant to the CPU and the NB hits the RAM and GPU so any instability can cause them to crash the PC. Very common in the RAM section for instability. SO my guess is the CPU/NB might need the boost.
What are the temps you're getting on stress tests?
At 4.5 i get around 45 C.. I think thats pretty good at the moment compared to my last system.
Stock for NB is 1.2v. Never go above 1.3 is what I've seen as the rule of thumb. You might also try using the FSB more than the multiplier, that helped me a bit. For stability turn off turbo mode, and all power saving features. While using HWmonitor, when the CPU temp under the MB section is the socket temp, the package temp under CPU is your core temp. Which were you measuring? Are you OC'ing the memory?
I use corsair link to measure my temps cause im lazy and i wasnt planning on overclocking my memory and when i changed my FSB it wouldnt boot into windows. I dont know if that was because of what i set it to or it just doesnt work with the other things.
btw i dont know what corsair link measures for temps..
that seems fine, because the limit for AMD's FX cpu's are around 63*C...so you should be able to go 4.7 no problem with temps like that.
Also make sure the board temps are alright on the the NB and SB because if there is overheating it can do that to you.