£800 pc (UK)

Hi, I am looking to build a £800 pc. I live in the uk so postage etc may need to be considered. I will be using my pc for mostly gaming however I will be doing some editing/rendering. I am not interested in overclocking. I allready have peripherals, thanks in advance.


I've left you £60+ of your budget. You might use that for more storage, more RAM, a better CPU heatsink.

I would use that aditional £60 to consider a overclocking build. You will get much more performance.

Or you can bump up that processor to a locked i7. I would only grab the i7 if you are going to do a lot of rendering. Otherwise, the i5 is quite capable at editing.


Reason I didn't go with an AMD platform is because there's a lot of value in overclocking AMD chips. If you don't plan on overclocking, the FX chips won't have the potential that this Intel build has at stock speeds.

GPU: If your editing software supports OpenCL go with an AMD card, but if only CUDA than get an Nvidia card.

CPU: May I ask why you don't want to overclock? These days it's super easy, and if you're still not comfortable overclocking it yourself there are some overclocking utilities like the ones that comes with new asus motherboards. if you buy a 4770K Depends if that's a good one or not.. see psul's hardware 4770K auto OC testing http://youtu.be/WugDJbtBwwQ

In rendering on such a budget I'd go for the FX-8320 as an i7 would be great, but as you're doing 'some' editing and rendering the FX just holds more bang for your buck and leaves you more money for the gpu. Depending on the amount of rendering you're doing choose between the cheapest deal on a sandy/ivy/haswell i7  or the FX.

I think the rest of the system Berserker gave is quite OK, maybe/probably you already have a harddrive so you can salvage that one and save some money.