$800 ish pc build (any Suggestions)

hey new to the forums, and ive been watching teksydicate for a bit, anyway i will be building a pc rig soon and ive picked out some system specs. just wondering if you have any Suggestions or thoughs on it.



UPDATED: http://imageshack.us/f/801/pcbuild1.png/


i mainly pc game, like crysis, battlefield, etc, (pc games in general), as for production i 3d model in max, run cryengine for game editing and sometimes use photo shop. manly productive uses with pc gameing involed. i would use it for mostly hardware intesive stuff.

What are you gonna be using this for? If your just gaming+ other stuff, just get an 8GB kit. Saves you money. Are you gonna be overclocking? If so, add a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo to the build. Best budget cooler out there. Also, you might wanna consider another board, For that price, you could get a full-sized ATX mobo with 2PCI-E 3.0 slots. Oh, and if your not gonna be overclocking, drop the 212 I mentioned and get an i5-3570k instead. Also, for the case, would you consider a CM HAf 912 instead? It's the best budget case IMHO. And lastly, for the price of that 660, GET A RADEON 7870 INSTEAD. They're much better performers, even nearing/ beating a GTX 670 in some games. PSU looks okay, but there's a lot of mixed reviews on NewEgg. Maybe consider another one? Preferably Antec or SeaSonic.




NOTE: I wrote what I did below thinking you were combining an i5 with a GTX 560, wasn't till after I wrote it that I noticed you have like 4 graphics cards in that build for w/e reason. 

Generally for a gaming PC, you should be spending about 50% more on the GPU than you do on the CPU. But since you do plan on doing productivity based applications... :-\ dunno. The FX6300 would do nearly as well in games and give you room to get a much better GPU (save ya $70), but it would fall behind in things like 3DSMax and photoshop compared to the i5. You could go with the FX8350 which would generally do better than the i5 in 3DSMax and photoshop (with the exception of some lightly threaded processes in it), but it wouldn't leave enough room for a better GPU, it wouldn't do quite as well in games but I don't think it would be noticable since the GPU would bottleneck the game before the CPU would. The i5 is a good option for a general blend of things, including older applications that lack solid threading.