I'm trying to build my first pc. I will mainly be using this pc for gaming, but I might also want to stream. I have very little experience with pcs, so all the parts I have picked out are pretty much based on my research. I would prefer a pc around $800 or less, but I would be willing to go around $900 if it is necessary.
Parts I need
- Motherboard
- Hard Drive
- Power Supply
- Case (Just something simple will work)
- Monitor
Thanks for any help.
are you going to overclock?
Most likely not, but I'm not completely sure how much of a difference it will make. I don't really need to put all my gaming settings at ultra high
Here is my build I am going for, same price range as you. Take out the OS and the cooler if your want to go cheaper. Also you could downgrade the case for something cheaper. But overall something that may work well for you.
Do i need speakers in my monitor or would my pc have it installed already somewhere. I saw some of you post the acer monitor, but it does not have speakers.
Also I was looking for a cheap keyboard and mouse. I will probably upgrade later, but for now I just need something to use. I found the logitech keyboard/mouse for $20.
You'll need headphones and/or speakers. The only downside of the acer is it is not HDMI
I forgot that I also need a wireless network card. Does it matter which one I get? I saw that there are different protocols and not sure if it needs to match to my router or something.
Anyone know when prices tend to drop or go on sale. Some of the items I was going to buy, had their sales end and my price went up a bit.
if you want to go fancy, a/b/g/n/ac is what you want.
Most networks are using Wireless-N. Look for something that include g/n
Yeah, deals come and go. I usually buy things as stuff goes on sale. It's a bit of a hassle, but if the price isn't affected that much by shipping, you can end up with a good build for the price.
And of course, you can try switching out parts for other equivalent parts if they're cheaper.