800€ Gaming Pc Build

Hey guys,

I am going to get a gaming pc soon and I am not sure which parts I will use. Now, I have a budget of 800€ with Win 8.1 included so really I have 720€ to spend on hardware. Since I'm from Germany, I would like to buy the hardware from Mindfactory which is a very reliable and cheap online shop to buy hardware from. 

I've been looking to buy an i5-4460 combined with a ZOTAC GTX 970. But if you have better ideas to make a good gaming pc to play games like BF4 or Titanfall on ultra settings and playable fps, please let me know. In general, I prefer NVIDIA GPU's over AMD's because of software stuff like Shadowplay or GeForce Experience and of course GameStream. But if you think AMD's GPU's are so much better then tell me :).

Thanks in advance 


I don't see how you'll be able to fit a 970 and an i5 in the budget... just off the bat... there's no possible way... 

Yeah I have to agree with the drunk panda ... parts seem to be expensive in Germany ... at least to me from my perspective. 

But the only resource I base this on is Germany's pcpartpicker ... so I could be incorrect.

Give me some time to look at the site you mentioned and I will get back to you.


wow... there's a H97 ATX mobo for $50 I was surprised... BUY THAT MOBO RIGHT NOW lol

this is 30 over budget and doesn't include an OS...

if you want it around 720, the GPU has to go... i looked around the site and got a headache from the layout... but this gives you a reasonable idea...

Or you could drop the CPU cooler.

Also for some reason that motherboard links to a FM2 board lol


Just to give you an idea, this is the config with an i5-4460, GTX 970 and the OS included which I put together:


Sorry if it's in German but I think you'll get the idea :)


heck that looks great to me

Awesome! :D

I've been working on that for a little while. ;)

lol.... I thought that looked fishy

just don't try OC on that Asrock B85 ... I've had bad experience with them ... but yeah ... stick to stock clocks and it will game for that price

The only thing I would have overclocked would be the CPU but since it's not overclockable, I'm not going to overclock anything.

Thanks :)

Well , mindfactory might be good, but if something is doa , you have to pay return shipping witch costs alot .

I personally recommend caseking.de .

Also , if you are interested , I have a 1231V3 + H97 asus for sale , I could sell it for 290€ shipped , still with box and everything .

Well I'd rather pay 10€ or 20€ for shipping a broken part back (which doesn't really happen that often) than buying all the parts from Caseking for 150€ more, than they cost at the Mindfactory store.

Also thanks for your offer but 290€ is really too much for my tight budget. That would be about 80€ too much and I think the CPU and motherboard I chose are fine and deliver enough power for my needs. Of course, a nice Xeon and an H97 by Asus would be awesome to have but as I already said, I can't afford it at this point. But thank you! :)