$800-$1000 upgrade-able gaming PC

Budget. How much are you willing to spend? $800-$1000
Where do you live (what country, don't post specific details), and what currency do you use?
Is there a retailer you prefer? U.S.
Do you need or already have peripherals? Already have
What will you be using your Glorious computer for? I'm looking for a PC primarily for gaming, but not exclusively. I will be graduating college in December and have a decent job lined up. So, the upgrade-able aspect is really important to me. I really want something that works well now but has the potential to be a great PC in the future.
Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? Not really
Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? I would like to
Operating System. Do you need a new one? I do but I factored it outside of the price range because I get a sweet deal through school.
If you Game-
What kind of settings do you like or what FPS do you want to play at? High most of the time. I just want to be able to comfortably play new games. It doesn't need to be perfect.
What kind of games do you like to play? I play everything from LOL to Fallout to shooters.
What specific game will you be playing? If possible I would like to be able to play the new Fallout when it comes out.

I was really into PC gaming in high school (about 6 years ago) but I really didn't keep up with it. Last year I realized that there were just far too many games I've been missing out on. Unfortunately, so much has changed in the world of computers that I don't feel like I know enough anymore.

I saw this guide and think that it is along the lines of what I want but honestly I'm not sure.

I just recommended this build for a user who was around the same budget.

it's an awesome little ITX machine. with a 290 for the games and a 1TB HDD for all your files.


however this build would be suitable for high end ultra 1080p and or 1440p on High.

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...SSD anyone? I do like me some good boot times.

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he can add one if he likes. i've seen a few 120gb SSDs for 49 dollars.


This is pretty much going to give you all the performance you need and can get for your budget but a few points I have to address are:

  • Wait for skylake to release before buying which should be in august if several sources are to be believed. Better IPC, more features and it uses a different RAM form factor potentially (UniDIMM over normal DIMM).
  • If you are not planning to get into overclocking then custom watercooling is a waste of money.
  • Upgradeability on this board will be an upgrade to broadwell at best CPU-wise. GPU-wise you are looking at 2-way SLI or 3-way CF of the highest level of GPU's. If you want better then I again suggest waiting for Skylake to buy your PC.
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