I wanted to get everyone's opinion on this. I'm not trying to add to the BS about the 3.5 VRAM of the 970's etc etc or that the 390's are rebranded 290's etc etc.
Right now with all the benchmarks, which would you choose and why?
I'm leaning towards the R9 390 from MSI, but there's a couple of 970's that have caught my eye as well and they have A LOT of OC'ing potential.
What do you guys think is the better buy going forward? The benchmarks out there are mostly biased, because people compare one of the two over clocked to the reference of another and that's just not apples to apples.
From what I have seen it seems above 1080p the R9 390 starts to get an edge.....?
I'm not really hung up on the RAM of either, because in my opinion the cards won't be able to handle whatever you're trying to do with them before you get close to maxing out their RAM, especially the 8GB of the 390.....but will the 8GB maybe make a difference later on if you add a second card?
After a boat load of hours researching GPU's, I have come to the conclusion that right now today, the best price/performance falls in two categories:
1) Buy a GTX 980 Ti
2) Buy a GTX 970 or an R9 390
While it's easy to see the merits of the 980 Ti, I'm not sold on spending so much because if it can't handle 4K in a single GPU scenario then why spend the extra? In 1080p the 970's and 390's seem to have it on lock, and possible an overclocked 4GB GTX 960 too......
For 1440P I think is where the 970 and R9 390 shine, and I ahve not decided on a monitor yet 100% because that's a whole nother basket of crazy too. But I'm debating 1080P or 1440P, even if I get let's say a korean monitor to play those resolutions on.
So let's hear what you guys have to say because maybe someone can point out something that I have not realized, or looked at a certain way.
Once you get past 60 FPS in the resolution you want, is it worth another $200+ just for bragging rights?
I have been eyeballing the following:
- HFA2 GTX 970 SOC
- HFA2 GTX 970 HOF
- MSI Gaming 8GB R9 390/MSI Gaming GTX 970
- Gigabyte G1 Gaming R9 390
Color scheme is really no big deal to me as I have a Fractal Design Define R5 with no window so once it's together nothing will be visible.
As of right now this is where the build stands. (Yes I sold my ASUS Fury non X :p)
Thanks for the feedback