Im planing to buy a pc and i need to chose bethwen this to.For the Nvidia side i loooked at FTW edition and Sapphire VaporX GHZED which is better for gaming?
I really like the quality of the EVGA FTW cards, but for gaming, I would take the 7970. The 670 is an epic card but it's not quite as fast (even if the frametimes are better).
Ty logan for answering but im sry but i will ask u one more question in the 7970 brach which one should i buy The Sapphire VAPORX or The DIRECTCUII or Gigabyte supercloked or any 7970(excepting the expensive options)
The XFX Double D 925mhz editions can be picked up really cheap, but aren't overclockable (locked voltage). I have 2 of these cards and still really like them, but just wish I could OC a bit. :-( sad panda.
Ok another alternative because this and HIS,Powercollor we dont have in our country in shops
I will say the ones that we have in my country.Sapphire;7970 dual x,7970 dual x with boost,7970 vaporx 3gb GHz,
Gigabyte Windforce UDVGA GHz
Asus DIRECTCUii not top and top and Gigabyte Supercloked and OC
Ok so betwen this 7970-s what should i choose Gigabyte Windforce UDVGA GHz Asus DIRECTCUii not top and top Gigabyte Supercloked Gigabyte OC 7970 dual x 7970 dual x with boost or 7970 vaporx 3gb GHz