Hi everybody! after months of beeing a youtube creep that just subbed there and stuff i finally slapped me a account on here since i was unable to google my issue :)
I noticed since days that my Gigabyte 7970 ( GV-R797OC-3GD ) ony runs on PCI-E 4x mode.
Not so sure if it was since i build the pc but GPU-Z and in linux i get a 4x PCI-E readout.
Sorry about the quality but that was the only charged cam around the house and thats pretty much how the plug looks next to the molex adapter i use. i cannot put it on the other side because its too short.
I really tried putting that upside down and so on..
Also i changed the slot of the GFX and it works in the middle PCI-E slot with PCI-E 8x.
Pull out the pcie card the gpu will run at x16 (i asume you have the pci card in the x8 slot?)
From gigabite --> ((Note 4) The PCIEX8 slot shares bandwidth with the PCIEX16 slot. When the PCIEX8 slot is populated, the PCIEX16 slot will operate at up to x8 mode.