Theres games that my friend with a 660ti can beat me in so i was thinking maybe i dont have something optimized or something the games I'm seeing him beating me is planetside 2 and crysis 3 beta. Any help is more that appreciated, As I have to kick his 660ti's ass >:D
Ummm its up to game devs to optimise game for either or and also for nvidia/amd to make drivers for those games,
you could try overclocking but thats a gamble sometimes stuff like this happens maybe your 7970 is being bottlenecked by your processor or ram?
Have you downloaded the latest drivers from AMD's website? Also, what CPU are you using alongside your 7970, and what CPU is your friend using?
are you using beta drivers? you want teh betas. it might be because of physx, or he's using lower settings or resolution.
Commisar is right, currently the beta drivers are much faster than the release versions. Go for the beta drivers whenever you can really.
660ti beats it in some games, that's just how it is