I'm building a pc and I want to play on 2-3 monitors. I can't seem to decide between the powercooler 7990, or two of the sappire vapor-x 6gb cards. Here are links to both: 7990- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131483 7970- http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-DL-DVI-I-SL-DVI-D-PCI-Express-11197-05-40G/dp/B0098HW0H2/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1359600619&sr=8-4&keywords=sapphire+vapor-x
If I was spending that sort of money I think I would go all out and get the Asus 7990 ARES 2.
I think the 7970 cf would be higher performace more overclocking potental no custom drivers and more memory per gpu so thats what I would do. Or like peps1 said the ares 7990 is a beast but very expensive
My only worry about crossfire is people are always reporting glitches and saying that it is unreliable.
its kinda nice to only deal with one video card... tho crossfire will be more powerfull...
Historicity Dual GPU cards have run better then crossfire, and don't you lose the 2nd cards RAM in crossfire?
E2A: I should clarify I mean "better" as in trouble free, less power, heat.....rather then max potential performance.
Definitely less trouble then crossfire, tho i would look into heat a bit. Maybe thats just me, I'm used to 27c right now.
PS Hi five for still running DDR2
LOL its all about the DDR2!
Who wants DDR3 and its tardier latencies!
Should update my profile as that rig is about to become my Linux box as its been superseded (was a bloody good war horse, even if it did have a awful CPU!) :(
you don't lose the second card's RAM they just don't stack. It will still be used.
Yeah the phenom II did AMD wonders. I'm hoping to get another year or two out of this one.
Sorry, yes....I ment by 'lose' that the memory is mirrored memory so they have the same data in both card.....rather then stacked.
So 2x 6GB 7970's card wont = 12GB over a 6GB 7990 single card.
I should have said it like you did :)