7950 multi monitor problem

I've been having a bit of an issue with my stup.

I'm trying to run 3 displays on my Gigabyte 7950. It is suposed to support 3 displays but i can only get it to run 2. When I try to add the 3d display I just get an error telling me it couldn't be done.

It is a bit of a frankenstein setup though. My main screen is 1650x1050 and my secondary is 1280x1024. The screen I'm trying ad is my 1080p TV. 

Could the problem be the resolutions or is it something else? I can run any combination of 2 monitors but not all 3  at once.

Any input would be lovely.

let me guess, you try to use 2x DVI and the HDMI port because that simple won't work!

you need to use 2x DVI with Display port ot DVI HDMI and Displayport in order to get it working

I am using DVI HDMI DP with a DP->DVI converter

try to set all resulution to 1280x720 

Didn't work either :/

make sure that you use an active displayport converter there are also passive ones on the market

That could be the issue... I think mine is passive...

lol i totally forget that it had to be active adapter lol this is the issue indeed



Spank you all very much ^w^