7950 just died? maybe

hey guys so im new to the pc gaming community , i just finished my first build about 2 weeks ago. im curretnly having a graphics card issue. so last nite i was playing a game when all of a sudden my monitor goes black, no input. i opened up my case and i noticed the fans on my Sapphire HD7950 were not on. however i did notice that the boost button on the card does light up when you press it so the card is getting some power. i bought this card used so no warrenty or anything ill just have to take the loss .

in short : Sapphire HD 7950 3gb card cut off in the middle of gaming , no power other the the led on the boost button.  Is it a nice paperwieght now?

Sounds like it. Have you tried using the other outputs? Does the back of the card look like it has any burn marks? Would you be comfortable taking off the cooler to inspect the front of the card? Do you have another computer you could put it in to troubleshoot?

Also, can you list the computer's specs?

So its working now. i took the fan/heatsink off , replaced the thermal paste while i had it all apart. i couldnt find anything that looked broken, burnt, and all of the traces seemed fine. what i did do was use the 2 6 pin to molex adapters that came with instead of my power supplys 2 pci-e 6+2 pin connectors, hit the power button and it fired right up . my PS is a corsair 600m so maybe i got a bad set of pcie cables. even though its working this has scared me enough that im going to sell it on craigslist and buy something new that has a warrenty . i'm thinking a gtx 760. thanks for the help peeps.

I'm glad to hear that it is working now! Before you decide to sell it, you should look into getting a power supply tester. They range in price, but they can be pretty cheap. I've used the Thermaltake Dr. Power II and it worked well enough. Given how you fixed the issue, it would probably be smart to confirm your PSU is not the problem.


alright thanks ill look into it do you think its bad ?

I don't know. It might be. The only way to be sure is to test it. If you have an old graphics card that you don't care if it gets fried, you could try using the power supply PCIe cables in that to see if the problem reappears. I wouldn't recommend using your current graphics card, just in case the cables are bad. They could end up doing permanent damage. If you find that those cables are bad, I'd replace the power supply. I'm sure there are other opinions out there, but I feel that it would be cheap insurance. In my experience, if one piece of a component fails, it is more likely that another will follow.