i am going to be upgrading my gpu's but im wondering as i will be running 4 monitors and using 3 of them for gaming 1920x1080 x3
was wondering which would be the best for me out of the title?
aswell as i would be in the future upgrading to 6 monitors and probably stick to 3 monitor gaming as 6 monitor gaming may be not my type due to the layout
never theless i was wondering the performance difference between
7950 CF
7970 CF
7970 6gb version CF
i will be making most of these purchases early summer so i am also taking into consideration the 8XXX series as i know eta for them is late 2013 or 2014 but than i also thinking of possibly waiting for the next series and buying high end gpu's from the next generation
my gpu budget is limited to 700 pound
preferably around 600pound range( i know 7990 is at 700 range)
and hopefully that the gpu's would last a few years
i dont mind if i am unable to max out every game while triple monitor gaming
other uses things that i would use my computer for does not matter for me if its tad bit faster which consist of unity/udk/crytek engine visual studio and possibly playing around with game server hosting
aswell as rest of my build is
amd 8350
asus sabertooth 990FX mobo
16gb ram @ 1866
ssd 120gb kingston hyper x 3k
800W psu single rail 80+
aswell as i am pondering on the fact would pcie 2.0 bottleneck or be near to bottle necking the gpu's
i know amd has given a statement that a single 7970 does not get bottlenecked comparing to pcie 3.0
but i am thinking does total gpu power count on a single pcie slot or aslong as the card inserted into the pcie slot dosent get bottlenecked as a single wont be bottlenecked when using CF
along with that wondering if 7990 would be bottlenecked by pcie 2.0