7870 or 7850

Both of these gpu's look great for mid/high gaming but they seem so similar. I don't know the differences. If anyone could help on witch one to choose it would be apprecated. 

If you want to know the other parts of my rig: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ntfy



If you can find the 7870 for a good price, grab it. It used to make sense to get the 7850, but the price has come down enough on the 7870. They are not much faster... 10-30% depending on the game... but they are awesome cards. 

It would be even more awesome if there was a LOG edition

Thanks for the advice. And yes AMD cards are awesome. 

I'm saving up for a 7970


7870s also have more potenial in overclocking with the voltage and power bump vs the 7850( if you get one with a good custom cooler ).

7850s are basically just crippled 7870s. I'd prefer the bump up to the 7870 though.