7870 A good deal?

185$ For a sapphire 7870 GHz edition, good deal right?..

That is a damn good deal if you ask me

Hell to the yes! I have a Sapphire 7870 GHz Edition and I got it for $200~ plus two free games! It's a steal! Go for it! I can max everything except Arma 2/3 and Planetside 2 due to my CPU!

I was just checking to make sure there wasn't anything else around! It doesn't come with games anymore I don't believe :/. Still I mean comparing it to like a 650ti boost it just seems like an awesome deal!

definately! im using a 7870 on my rig and its a great card

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161404&nm_mc=AFC-C8JUNCTION&cm_mmc=AFC-C8JUNCTION-_-EMC-073013-Latest-_-DesktopGraphicsVideoCards-_-14161404-L010A&PID=5742733&AID=10440897 even better deal

The only thing better than a 7870 is a 7970, but they're more expensive and a Sapphire 7870 GHz Edition for this much? AMAZING!

Yea I got lucky. I also bought my 800W PSU along with my card too, so it was great. I know they added Blood Dragon to the free games too, which I bought to early to get it. :(

What's your CPU? If it's anything better than a X4 945 or even the same, you should be fine with anything. 

Better deal doesn't always mean you get what you want... HIS, from what I've seen and heard isn't that great and reliable. I've bought the Sapphire one and it performs EXTREMELY well. 

i prefer the dual fan cooling config myself. But i was considering this as a second card. I think would be fine if your not overclocking, have a good case airflow and using a single monitor, For the price ya cant beat it .

The two fans really help keep the card cool even on heavy load and I never hear any noises from it unless I'm basically ripping my ear off with the fan. The only loud thing in my PC is my freaking stock fan on my CPU when my CPU decides to go up to 100% usage randomly.

The dual fan cooling system allows for a cooler, quieter system along with the Sapphire one, you get 50MHz more on the core clock speed!

I got myne for 163$

There are plenty of cards better than a 7870.

If you don't have anything to help the OP, please don't post... I know there are better cards than the 7870. I was saying Radeon wise. 

it's still wrong, there's a 7870 xt, 7950, 7990

but yes that is a pretty good deal, same card i have

Most people buy a 7970 versus any of the others, so that was my point.

Well the card is good but I wouldn't buy a Sapphire. They had a bad issue that could only be fixed via RMA and I have the same card and had to RMA it before. But if you get a different 7870 or a working Sapphire one then yes they are good cards at great prices. They OC well and run in Crossfire well from what I hear. But I would still wait for this Q4 to see if anything new comes out. Always better to wait if you can.

I was just checking if this was the best deal around this price.

I do have common sense.. 

I found a 6970 for 160$ but my psu wouldn't be enough it's only 550w :(

i know amazon has a rebate that brings it to 169, but i think everyone should have that

I've not heard of this Sapphire RMA deal you are talking about. Most reviews don't even discuss RMA. Just because you got an RMA, doesn't mean all of them will. I got mine and it's perfectly fine. 

Sapphire is probably the best brand you could buy for the 7870. Their heatsink and cooling fans are spot on for this card.

I know but there are still cards out there that have the issue. I just wouldn't want to try my luck with something like that. Especially when you have other options.