7850 vs 7870 vs 660ti

As I was building my new Mini-ITX build, I've sort of hit a bump in the road with the GPUs. I'm trying to find a good price/performance ratio just like anybody. I narrowed it down to 3 cards.

Radeon 7850

Radeon 7870

GTX 660ti

Problem is that I look at some Anandtech benchmarks for the AMD cards and they seem pretty low compared to the Nvidia cards. I wont be running Crossfire/SLI or Surround/Eyefinity as this is a Mini build. Using only one monitor. I'm hoping to get average above 60+ FPS on an overclock if possible in most games. Any advice would be helpful.


Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/IPDP

I always take anandtech benchmarks with a grain of salt, because they use a lot of PhysX games to bench their GPUs when there aren't actually that many PhysX games on the market anyway. Of course Nvidia is going to beat out AMD cards in PhysX games because it's their own propreitary technology.

With the current AMD drivers, the Radeon HD 7870 should perform better than the GTX 660 TI in most games or at least very similarly. If  you're willing to spend the money on a GTX 660 TI though, then you might as well grab a Radeon HD 7950. It will perform better and should be around the same price. 

I'm trying to keep my whole build around $1300. I'm not to keen on throwing out more than that.

Well I'm just letting you know that if you're looking at the GTX 660 TI which is usually around $300, then the 7950 performs better and it's usually around the same price. If you can't afford either of those, then you should definitely be looking at the Radeon HD 7870 XT and HD 7870. The 7870 XT is a little more expensive, but it has the same GPU as a Radeon HD 7950 and performs better than the 7870, especially when overclocked.

The only XT ones I see is from Sapphire and PowerColor. I'm not a fan of PowerColor and Sapphire for me is.. meh. Then again I have no experience with those cards. How would this stack up to them? 


I don't trust PowerColor, but I'd definitely grab a Sapphire.

Concidering that the Sapphire one is exactly the same cost as that Gigabyte, I'ma go on a limb here and grab the Saphire. Thanks man! Hopefully this'll be perfect for my build!

Yeah, the 7870 XT is an amazing deal for the money, and it should perform better than a GTX 580 which pretty much spanks every game on the market anyway (with maybe the exception of Crysis 3 because that's a rig breaking game).


How she looking now :D

Take all benchmarks with a grain of salt, if you do the same run through the same section of the same game, you more than likely wont get the same fps as they did in their test. I bought a 660 Ti and I am happy with the performance, I would say that the 7950 Might be the better choice, but things turned up for me when the Project shield was announced, good day to be a nvidia card owner. AMD got da mad swaggalicious hair.