Hey guys. I've got a bit of a puzzle here.
I've been running two screens, awaiting a desk upgrade (which I finally found. Took long enough!) to put my 3rd screen into the loop.
Now I've got everything all connected, I can't seem to get my GPU to output to all of the screens at once. This shouldn't be -- I got the card because of everything within my price range, it was the nicest one to support at least 3 screens. Now, I can get the card to output to any two screens at once, but AMD CCC wants me to disable a screen to enable a third one. They all show up just fine, the GPU knows they're there.
I'm talking to Asus tech support but they send about one email every 24 hours so the pace is maddening. Maybe you guys will be faster.
To note, I'm not trying for Eyefinity. The card struggles sufficiently to output to just the main screen when in-game, I think it might combust if I tried to make it play a game in Eyefinity, so this is just for productivity.
Relevant details follow:
GPU: Asus HD775-1GDR5-v2
Screen 1: HANNspree HF237 (HDMI)
Screen 2: NEC LCD1970GX (DP-DVI)
Screen 3: Acer AL1717 (DV-VGA) (the GPU thinks this is a CRT. It is not.)