770 vs R9 280X

So i cant decide whether i want to get the 770 or the R9 280x.


R9 280X:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121803

The 280x is 5 bucks more but it has 3GB of vram and i need a lot of vram for what i do on my rig. But, the 770 is 5 bucks cheaper and it comes with 3 pretty awesome looking games (Batman Arkham Origins, AC4, Splinter Cell Blacklist)

What do you guys think i should get?

Thanks :)

I'm getting the 4gb gigabyte 770 but it's about $40 more than the ASUS you selected. I personally think that the 770 is a sweet spot with its recent drop in price.

I can't remember how exactly, but I know for a fact that the R9 280x is better. I remember that one was because it was obviously newer so why not, and there was a technical reason I cannot remember. Feel free to search for it.

Also, with steam, why do people buy parts based on games. I doubt you'll be playing many of the free games in a few months, but you sure as hell will be playing other games and regretting getting a worse graphics card.

With steam sales, free games are hardly even a benefit anymore xD

At the Xmas sale, I have no doubt Arkham Origins will be under 8$, AC4 will probably be under $30 and Splinter Cell under $15.

It may seem like a lot, but it's not much considering that it's a lot easier to spend $40 to buy games you want instead of realising you bought the wrong GPU and spending $300.

well also if you plan on screen recording or doing any cuda activities i would go for the 770 shadowplay works excellently and the cuda support in 3d programs is nice.

Cant argue with the cuda


True. So do you think i should go with the R9 280x then?

you should get the 280x , mantle will be a good thing on battlefield 4 for example and just hack the other games x) 

280x.  It is simply faster than the 770.

they're both good, it's all a matter of what you're going to do.  If it's just gaming, the amd, if you're going to do some productivity i'd go for nvidia.

i would also go with the R9-280X because its 3GB of vram. that can come handy if you game on higher resolutions, or heavy modded games. Even for video editing, i would use Sony vegas to utilize open CL.

Personal preference. They are the same.


OKay, thanks for all the help. When do you think the R9 280X will be back in stock at newegg?

But I wouldn't crossfire the 280x, I've heard lots of problems with them.

In the UK, the 770 beats anything in terms of price/preformance at the moment.

You can pick up 770 2GB versions for as low as £200.

The R9 280x (7970) is using a 3Gb/384bit interface ...go with this for smoother performance vs. higher ram and slower interface.  If Nvidia's proprietary solutions are for you, then go with Nvidia...whatever you decide, get the best deal you can find, good luck.

CM, on Newegg it shows listing for under 370 dollars US....ok price but its 4gb/256 bit....lots of ram but slower lanes...might want to look into this before buying....

I would definitely go with the 280x, time to board the Mantle Train.

I checked the reference and ASUS editions and the GTX 770 is (in theory) Faster, however with 1GB less. Also AMD will have Full Mantle compatability, while Nvidia is suppose to be only MOSTLY compatable. So the question is if plan on using things like ADOBE, the price and how Mantle turns out. =)

(In your case, if i ignore Mantle enteriely i would go Nvidia)

well yes if you use adobe software for editing then yes, its better to go with Nvidia.

However if i personaly would go into editing, i would allways choose  Sony Vegas with a R9-280X, the reason for that, is that Sony vegas fully utilize open CL. a R9-280X has more Vram, but more important, it also has much more Stream processors. 2048 instead of 1536 on the GTX770. and that makes sense. ☺

Anyway it is maybe a bit of offtopic, i dont know if OP is doing video editing. But still i would allways recommend a R9-280X over a GTX770. also just for gaming.

Grtz Angel ☺