770 GTX SLI at 1080p

I currently have a single 770 gtx and a 1080p monitor. I am considering going SLI not because I want more frames (60hz) but rather I want to have a constant 60 fps with no dips  at 1080p be it with current games or the upcoming titles like bf4. Is this a reasonable solution for me?


I have two 680s in SLI which is basically the same thing and for the most part I don't go below 60 fps. Games like Crysis 3 and metro are the exception and a few games get the occasional frame drop but nothing really bad.

It's an amd FX-8350.

That's great to hear. Have you tried the beta for bf4?

I haven't, I would assume it would be okay but I have no Idea

I assume you have a 120hz monitor as well?  gtx770 SLI on a 60hz monitor at 1080p seems like the very definition of overkill.

Yeah, gonna agree with overkill.

I found bf4 more taxing than 3 though I could still maintain 60fps on high-ultra @2560x1440

That's with a GTX670

How much aa do you use and what frame drops are you getting?

Also what is your 8350 clocked at?

Those are great numbers you are pulling with bf4. My experience was very different. Still playable but not as impressive when the hardware is taken into account. It was all on ultra at 1080p and the fps counter would go wild from 70 all the down to 36. I played around with aa 4x and even none. There was a some difference, but not huge. I haven't dabbled in OC-ing the cpu yet. It's a relatively new rig.

That is the general consensus, yes. I was just wondering if an SLI setup with a 60hz  monitor would keep a constant 60 fps without the dips? A future monitor upgrade is not excluded...

I wish the beta was still in action so I could tell you which settings I ran on high rather than ultra.

Just curious as to if there were any dodgy unoptimised "ultra" settings in the beta.

That said, I max bf3 (1440p ultra ssao 0xaa). How does that compare to bf4 for you?

...It kinda sounds like cpu issues though I thought a stock 3850 would be fine.
Anyone else rocking stock 8350s? Welcome to chime in. 

To each his own, of course, but springing for a second 770 seems like a pretty hefty premium to pay for constant 60 fps.  Like the other poster, I have a gtx 680 and it doesn't break a sweat on any game with highest (or near highest -- I feel no need to play AA 8x for example) settings at 1080p.  

If I were you, I'd spend some more time trying to get to the bottom of why BF4 wasn't performing up to snuff for you.  We're you getting serious lag, continual dips into 30fps range?  That just doesn't sound right given the specs of your rig.  

I'm not saying definitely don't go SLI, just saying it seems likely that you could find a much cheaper fix than buying a second GPU.  GTX770 SLI at 1080p 60hz monitor would be like owning a Ferrari that you could never drive above 50mph  : )