thinking of putting a new system together and its about $100 difference what do you guys think and is there a prefered EVGA, ASUS, or MSI
What resolution is your monitor? If you're using a 1080p monitor, I would just go with a single GTX 770 for now, then when needed, grab another down the road. I personally prefer EVGA for their customer service. Their cards also run cool and overclock well, especially the one with the ACX cooling. Here ya go...
I agree with deus.
The 770 is amazingly capable. Just tested one tonight IRL, and we ran metro2033 MAX @ 1080p 40fps+ (same one deus linked)
Buy a second one in a few years when games get more demanding.
I oh yeah try running the new metro at 1080 max settings and 4xssaa.
Depends on the resolution. You wouldn't see the value of 760 sli at 1080p 60Hz, a single 760 would do well at that resolution and refresh. A single 770 will max the panel with most games. I don't think it warrants an extra $100 to max the two (that I can think of) games the 770 won't be able to handle extreme post processing.
im running 1080p at 144hz.
For 144Hz, I can understand the 760 sli option. If you're happy to spend the extra, go with the 760 sli. The 770 is cheaper and would give sufficient performance, but got to treat yourself once in a while ;)
760 SLI preforms similar to a titan, according to forbes. (
I've got a single 760 myself and it's a beast.