I have my entire computer build sorted out, but I still have issues choosing the GPU, thanks to Nvidia releasing their 760... So, Tek Forums, I call upon you for help once again with this question (which is clearly obvious from the title)... The 7950, or the 760? Now, of course, this seems somewhat simple, but there is a ittle more to it. And after hearing the specifics, it might become extremely obvious which is the better deal.
I plan on choosing an Asus brand GPU no-matter what (Unless an EVGA or MSI 760 would be better), but that unfortunately leads me to choosing a $360 7950, though that was to be expected at first. I don't trust the issues I've heard with other brands, and the MSI cooling paste issue has me a little sketched, so I'd rather not cheap out $50 for a risk I don't want to take with brands (Seeing as I'm having it built at a store I'm going to buy my parts at, and they wont check the cooling paste thing to see if there is too much. Thanks, guys >.>)
The 760 though, is quite interesting. I'd be able to get it for $260, from Asus. Even EVGA might be good, if you guys recommended that one. So, there's a massive $100 difference here. I just worry a little bit about if that $100 might be worth it if there is a massive benchmark difference between the 760 or 7950.
I am all FPS here, I don't plan on overclocking. I'll probably replace the GPU in 3-4 years anyways. Noise isn't a dealbreaker, as long as it isn't TOO huge of a gap. I also seem to have a tiny bias for the GPU Boost 2.0, PhysX, and reliability with Nvidia cards and graphics drivers/compatibilities. But, of course, if the 7950 is that much better and worth the $100, I can always unload the PhysX onto the processor. I just want the best FPS, for the best value I can get. And for $260, it might be obvious which one you'll all choose.
So, Tek Forum, what do you suggest, given these specifics? I would greatly appreciate the help~ Thanks!
(Also, I checked 20+ sites and 10+ benchmarking sites, and they all had mixed results, so this is my final frontier for trustworthy help) I'm putting an AMD 8350 8 core into the build as well, so, keep this in mind incase that changes things. Lastly, I'm using 2 monitors, but only one of them will be doing the gaming. The other will be doing stuff like internet and skype as I game.