760 4GB vs 2GB 770 X2 1080p Monitors

My friend is getting a gaming PC along with 2 1080p monitors but he only has the budget to get either a GTX 770 2GB or GTX 760 4GB.

Since he is going to be using 2 1080p monitors I was wondering if he would get better performance using a weaker card but with 4GB or a stronger card but with 2GB?  Would there be a bottleneck with the GTX 770 because of the higher resolution?

Is a 4 GB 770 out of the question? If so I'd say that while the 770 is more powerful, the 760 is more futureproof. Especially when you consider the next generation of console will have 8 GB of unified memory to play with. If power is an issue a 760 can always be added down the road. It's not quite so simple to solder more memory on you graphics card.

Running two monitors is not going to drain you're video memory. I have a GTX 770 2gb in my PC at home at it absoulty tears through almost anything I throw at it (with the exception of the high end 3DMark benchmarks). You're not really going to use anything past 2gb unless you're running a simulator with ultra high resolution textures or say Skyrim with texture mods. I'd stick with the 770. You'll get more performance out of it opposed to a 760.

+1 for 770

I don't think a 760 is powerful enough to really utilise the 4GB of memory.

There is the 3GB 7950 option, if you're worried.

Ok I'll tell my friend to get the 2GB 770.  I guess he can always get a card with more VRAM in a couple of years if he needs it.

So just to be clear the 2GB 770 will be able to run Crysis 3, BF3, and BF4 at 3840 X 1080 without a VRAM bottleneck?

But i'm still confused how anyone can play on two screens cut down the middle 

it's quite easy, you set it up, play for two minutes, then blow your brains out