I got into the concept of PC gaming ever since last December. I decided that I deserved much better than playing BF3 at 30FPS with 24 players. Absolutely abysmal. After a rocky start with my first theoretical "build" (3770k, 650Ti, 12 GB 3x4 of RAM in a Dual Channel Motherboard, ugh), I finally have what I hope to be my final build. I have the money to get everything except the headset, which I don't need right now; a Logitech G230, brought to my attention by Tek Syndicate. (Thanks, Logan :)) However the only thing stopping me from getting this glorious machine is Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Playing the waiting game has never been so excruciatingly painful.
But enough of that, let's talk expectations with my rig. I was going to purchase an R9 270X, but after some research and gaming benchmarks I found that the performance isn't really enough to justify what I want. So in the spirit of American consumerism, I decided to upgrade the card, and downgrade a few things (that honestly were a bit overkill in the first place).
So what do I want? To put it simply: BF4. High/Ultra settings, MSAA on 2X ( I know that MSAA is a big performance hit and the fact that I'm going from console to PC means that I'll be so ecstatic, I won't notice the jaggies that would normally be eliminated with 4X MSAA). FXAA on high. All this on an average of 60 FPS.
Borderlands 2, Arkham Origins, Bioshock Infinite, games like these at 60 FPS. Fun mods like The Hidden at who-cares-it'll-run-great-on-anything FPS and TTT. Just games and streaming with rendering videos for the lovely, Bob infested YouTube once I figure that out. One step at a time.
Without further ado, my rig, sans-headset: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/HalenShredder/saved/2OcL
I'm not exactly looking for recommendations for different parts, so if you have the restraint for recommending the oh-so-popular 3570k, that'd be appreciated. Just looking for anyone with a similar PC and if they can sure their settings, FPS, and so on.
EDIT: Newegg's Black Friday Preview helped me save about $100. I got a 630W PSU for $45, 8GB of DDR3-1866 RAM for $53, and an ASUS 23.6" for $130.