€750-€800 pc build

I'm thinking about building a €750-€800 pc build.
This is the pc I came up with: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KG4czy
I'm also not sure if I should go with an amd build or with an more upgradable intel build. I'm also not sure if I really need the power of the fx-8320 or do I need a fx-8350 or should I downgrade to a fx-6300. Any feedback would be appreciated :)

If you give me a moment I shall make you a build that will improve on this

Excellent, excellent build. What are your primary uses?

Unless you seriously need the 8 cores of the FX-8320 I would much sooner go with this:


Less expandability without upgrading motherboard, but much better monitor and better CPU for gaming

My primary use for this computer is gaming, but I would like to keep the option open to also stream with it.

This build seems pretty solid and I will definitly strongly consider this build if I would go with the intel build in the end. I would probally take another motherboard and ram though, because I'm kinda a sucker for color schemes, especially with a windowed case. But the idea to go for a cheaper motherboard and no cpu cooler with a bit more expansive cpu is pretty good. :)
So with a few changes it would probally be like this:
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/D3BMQ7 and I will probally go with a second hand gpu and monitor since that will save around €120.