$700 pc help

  • Budget. $700 $750 max 
  • Where do you live? US
  •   -Is there a retailer you prefer? If possible amazon or newegg, but will buy from others if necessary  
  • Do you need or already have ? I already have a monitor keyboard and mouse
  • What will you be using your future computer for? A lot of gaming, browsing the web, programming, and maybe some video editing in the future 
  • Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? Not really 
  • Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? No
  • OS. Do you need a new one? Yes windows 8.1


This is a build that I had in mind and was just wondering if people had better ideas because this is my first ever build.  http://pcpartpicker.com/user/derekf55/saved/3Op4.  I will also need some sort of wireless adapter, which I dont have in the build.  

Thanks in advance for the help

Great build nothing wrong with it at all. I mean like the only thing you change would be if you want intel/nvidia rig. But really there's no point. Anyways check this out http://www.amazon.com/Asus-Wireless-N-Graphical-Interface-USB-N53/dp/B005SAKW9G/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1392864862&sr=8-4&keywords=dual+band+wireless+adapter .You dont have to go for that brand, just as long its has wireless n or ac that also has dual band 5 GHz will work fine.

I've read that PCI wireless cards are better, do you know if there's any legitimacy to that?

You're build is good except for one major flaw. That motherboard. Th G43 and G45 motherboards are absolute shit. They really are. Especially when using the 8 Core CPUs. 

The VRMs have no cooling and it is has a poor power phase design. They run incredibly hto and often fail with little to no warning or strangle your CPU bu not feeding it enough power. This occurs even at stock speeds. Stable OCing is nearly impossible and is asking for trouble.

I recommend a 990FX chipset with the 8 core CPUS, the Asus M5A99FX EVO or PRO are both very good, but they are a bit more money (~$125). The Asus M5A97 R 2.0 is decent and a bit cheaper. Just don't get the LE version. Though to be safe and get the most out of that CPU I'd really grab the 990FX board. OCs better, more stable and has more features. 

Other than that it looks like a solid build.

You might want to also throw in a different cooler. The stock AMD ones kinda suck. If you aren't OCing the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo is cheap and will do a decent job. 

You really don't need an optical drive though. But that is your call.

I would also go with a PCIE wireless card. They are generally more robust, faster and don't take up a USB port and can't accidentally be pulled out or get caught and snap off. The antennas are usually better in a PCIE card too so you'll get better reception.  

The motherboard you chose has a 4+1 phase design and no heatsinks on the VRMs, which make it poorly suited for the more power hungry 8 core processors.  

A $750 budget does not leave enough room to include an 8 core processor and a motherboard with good support for it (at least while including the operating system), so I would recommend this instead: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2WXa6

This steps down to the FX-6300, which is still a really good CPU, especially for gaming, and you can upgrade to the 8320 or 8350 down the line without needing to upgrade the motherboard as well.

As stated above, the motherboard you have will not last long with the power hungry CPU you have chosen.


Or go with m33b's 6300 build.

This one will be better => but no OS .... u can use ubuntu 



same as someone else but now it's cheaper! do you really want windows 8.1? without windows 8.1 you can have 300$ for a gpu. if have the r9 270 and i oc it pretty far and it's not really the best for 1080p.



This is of of the best build i think you could fit in for under $700. You can try to make compromises on things like the psu or maybe switch to a 4100 instead of the 4300 to help fit windows in, but i wouldn't try to change too much. It was tough to fit a 770 into this $700 budget build, but it will game and edit amazingly.

Do you know what the benefits are for getting a more expensive motherboard, because the one you recommended is almost twice as much.  I see the one that I choose was pretty poor, but I was just wondering what the benefits of a more expensive motherboard are.  

Do you know how much of a performance drop there is between the two, because I haven't really seen comparisons of real world performance anywhere online.

I think the link you posted has changed because it's 404 not found page.

Yea I pretty much have to have some form a windows, because game support on Linux right now isn't really cutting it.  Hopefully in the future we wont need windows for game support.   

More USB ports, more PCIe Lanes, Better power delivery. You could cheap out and get the motherboard you first used, but it will most likely fail. This could damage your other components and even if it didn't you'd still have to buy a new motherboard. Better off spending the money now.  

Remove the "This" at the end of the link.

Not that motherboard.


Dont buy MSI mobos for AM3+ 8 core's...or even at all...

(oc with cooling means buying heatsinks for the mosfets like the ones bellow alltho i wouldn't recommend it)


So do you know a good price range to be paying for a motherboard on a $700 build?

It's hard to fit a 8320 on that budget, if you will only use it for gaming you should get a better mobo and an fx 6300 instead, there is no benefit in getting those extra cores if you aren't going to using them.

that's true. i prefer linux. do you have a copy of windows from an older pc? and there are some options to get it for free but you don't have to.