$700 Build; Thoughts?

Hey guys!  So, Im pretty much a PC noob.  I know very little about computers but I've peiced together a system that I would like to build within the next few months.  I was wondering what your thoughts were on the system and if you guys had any comments or critisism.  Its all welcome, thanks in advance!  

Any upgrades are welcome but I'm looking to stay max around $750.  This is going to be for general web browsing and some gaming such as BF3, skyrim, etc..  

Heres the link:


your cooler is a little overkill considering the 965 does not overclock very well. A hyper 212+ would be more appropriate, unless you plan on trying to get above 4GHz, which I would not reccomend doing without watercooling. Also, if you plan on upgrading your processor in the future, you might want to get higher end RAM, like Mushkin blackline or corsair Vengence 1866. Also, your case will have a dead usb3 port on the front unless your willing to jury rig it. other than your CPU cooler, and your memory, your build is exactly the same as mine. 

I would get the HD 7850 than the 650 Ti, but that build is fine. 1 problem though is that the newer GPU's (hd 7950 and above) will be bottlenecked by your CPU so it's not too future proof. Perhaps take out the cooler and get an FX 6300.

I was also considering an intel option, any reason why I would take the phenom II over, say, an i3 processor?  Or even a FX-4100?

i3 3220 > phenom ii x4 965 for gaming *ON GAMES THAT ONLU USE 2 CORES*

Newer games like BF3 and crysis utilize more cores, so really depends on what games you play. Also fx 4100 is trash, avoid it.

Ok.  Thanks guys.  Recommended mobo for an i3 3220?


You will have a better build for about the same amount if you drop the cooler and 965 and just go with the FX-6300 and stock cooler. This will be better than the i3 for newer multi-threaded games and the AM3+ socket will be around for another generation if you want to upgrade, whereas intel's the i3-3220 will be the last generation on the 1155 socket.

While an i3 will perform somewhat better than a phenom, a phenom can be overclocked, an i3 can't. Also, keep in mind that we are going to see more and more games using more than 2 cores due to the next generation of consoles coming out soon. In addition, the i3 is more expensive than the phenom, at $120 for one, you might as well search for change under the couch cushions for a few extra dollers to buy an fx 6300.



The RAM you choose was over-priced,I added in the G.Skill 1866 one for you,less money,more performance.





Thanks for all the input guys, its really appreciated!  I've decided to go with the fx 6300 for the future proofing aspect of it.  Should I still purchase the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus?

That's a really good cooler for the price imo. It will also make less noise than the stock amd cooler.

The Cooler Master 212 Plus or Evo are both really good for moderate overclocks.

If it's in your budget, yes. the stock AMD cpu coolers are barely adequate for running the CPU at it's stock clock. With a hyper 212, you will be able to get a decent overclock.

Is it really worth the 30 extra bucks for the Saphire Radeon suggested above instead of the EVGA 650ti 2gb ssc?


Benchmarks comparison on the two.

Would'nt the benchmarks change because im using the super superclocked version and it has 2gb of memory?  regardless, for the money, those are some substantial differences in fps.

It isn't that much better over the reference,if you plan on gaming than the 7870,if you plan on using Adobe creative suite than the CUDA cores will help.


So this is the parts list as of right now.

If you don't need front panel USB 3.0, you can grab this:


it's less expensive,same case.

Other than that,looks good!