$70-$80 Graphics Card

I am building a budget gaming PC and I only have about $70-$80 dollars to spend on a Graphics Card. I was going to get the GTX-630 (or the GT630 I don't remember) but in one of the episodes of The Tek I believe Logan said it was terrible, so I was wondering if anyone knew of a better graphics card for about that price.


Thank You

For that, you will be able to get 7750 or perhaps the 7770 if you can find a deal. I believe in Amazon you get the sapphire 7770 for $80. Or you can wait until Black Friday and see if you can get a deal on a 7790 or if you are lucky a 7850 for cheap.

If you can find a gt640 rev.2 i can recommend that i have one i play bf3 on medium at 45 to 60 fps. skyrim on high and 50 to 60 fps.


its 89 dollars if you can save up and spend like 120 to 140 on one of these.


its 127 and is nearly twice as fast.


Thank you i think i will get the gtx 660 on black friday but do you know any decent memory kits, i need 2 sticks of 4 and i dont want anything fancy i just want something that will work, do you have any ideas?


i meant 650

drr2-3? 1333 1600?


get a 7750 or 7770 try and find one on sale or something

GET A GTX 280!!!!!!

Short answer is no don't buy a gtx 280 its a 236 watt part versus the other to are 49 watt and 110 watt and has less cuda cores then the gt 640 and 650ti. Not to mention the floating point performance is half of what the 650 can do.

cuda cores arent everything. 

look at this benchmark


7770GHz would get my vote. Fairly up-to-date. Not sure why we are looking at a GTX280? lol


thats my answer to that.