As the title says, I was able to boot into Linux with my 6700 XT once I put the navy flounder blobs from linux-firmware-git into /usr/lib/firmware
3D games looked fine, but Manjaro i3 had graphical glitching occasionally on the desktop, in the form of little green/black squares that appear and disappear. Another consistent difference is that the default breeze mouse cursor is black instead of grey.
Same results in xfce on Manjaro and Gnome on Ubuntu. The glitches are not present in sway on Manjaro, until I load a program using XWayland.
I am guessing this means I will have to wait for the firmware to be updated in order for this to be fixed. Is everyone else experiencing this with the 6700 XT?
UPDATE: The latest iso of POP!_OS has full support out of the box. They did this by using the firmware from AMDGPU-PRO according to a Forbes article. Tested on version 20.10, there are no graphical glitches present.
UPDATE 2: A user on the Manjaro forums stated they fixed the graphical glitches with mesa-git 21.2 and that fixed the problem for me as well on Manjaro i3. Finally rid of the green squares. The only weird quirk remaining that I’ve seen is the breeze cursor color.
Linux and day 1 hardware are always a bit shaky, but it seems that the 5.12 kernel will resolve most of your issues.
5.12 is set to release this or next sunday, keep an eye on Phoronix for the 5.12 coverage. If you absolutely can’t wait, get the latest 5.12 kernel from Manjaro testing, though if you do so you’re on your own. Manjaro should have a day-1 release (or close to it) of 5.12 release, too.