66k caps?

Hi Logan and the teksyndicate team

I fonded 12 66k caps. rog mobo have 10k caps And I was thinking 10k caps are probable the best but no.

So y don't asus uses 66k caps on Ther rog mobo's I wood upload a pic but I'm using an ipad 

Not every ##K capacitor has the same behavior.. there is so much more to it, Please include a link... Another thing, motherboards with 10K capacitors are already extremely rugde, they are not the thing holding you back in compeditive overclocking... Also, you must consider the price... 

Again, without the link I can't comment about them... What I do know is that I'm not surpised that they are exsist, they are probably being used in aircrafts and other militery equipment... For maximum reliablilty and durbility... Even in extreme conditioning...

You could use 5 billion oHm resistors and 256k caps on a mobo, doesn't mean they'll work at the right tolerances.