Which one should i go with? The Twinfrorz 660 ti, the stock 670 or the twinfrorz 7950?
7950 in my opinion. i was accually turned to it yesterday and had a whole convo on it if you find my psu/gpu conundrum thread on the build a pc topic.
Isn't the 670 more towards the 7970's price bracket?
yea but the msi twinfrozr III is the best 7950 and easily overclockable which throws it closer to the 680 if not farther.
The counter argument is that he/she could just buy a 7970 and overclock that O.o
Then it'd be closer to a 7990/690 :S
when you overclock the msi 7950 to 1200mhz it leaves the superclocked 680 gtx in the dust. and for $350 vs $500.
im accually grabbing the 7950 as soon as i sell my 2 6870s lol.
It doesent, i have one, at 1200Mhz it will compete with a mildly Oc'd GTX 670, the 680 still wins especially when overclocked heavily.
Thanks guys, although i'm still not sure what to grab i appreciate it a lot.
Actually it does
680gtx has only 1-2 fps more in games, so that comparison doesnt stand, also AMD has boosted reference clock for 7950 to 925Mhz, where she is more or less equal to 670 gtx
Also 670 gtx doesnt have that OC-ing potential as 7950, if you look at the stock clock of 7950 (800MHz) and its real OC-ing capability (1200MHz) thats 50% gain...
Of course memory should also be overclocked to at least 1550-1600MHz
I know there Overclocking potential, i have one Oc'd to over 1100Mhz, but it really isnt as powerfull as a GTX 680 and is more along the lines of a Highly Oc'd GTX 670
Here are some review showing the power of the 7950 when OC'd, Still very impressive and definitley trades blows with the Stock GTX 680, but its not faster than an OC'd GTX 680 although it may come close
http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/graphics/display/gigabyte-geforce-gtx-680-super-overclock-windforce-5x_6.html#sect4 (this shows a GTX 680 facing off against a 7970)
On that guru 3d that you shown 7950 OC-ed beats 680gtx http://goo.gl/PJww3
And that Xbitlabs review is outdated cause AMD boosted the performances by rising frequencies of the nad driver improvement by 20% and more....
an Oc'd 7950 was pretty much equal with the stock GTX 680, which while impressive still doesent make it a faster card, and its was only one such example,also consider stock clocks on any card is gonna offer you the least possible performance for said card (not including underclocking)
And im guessing you didnt check the Guru3d Test setup then, they are using Catalyst 13.1 which carries over the performance boost in 12.11 which was awesome (i play a lot of BF3)
With all this being said the 7950 is probably the best Price vs Perfomance High end card to have existed.
I said xbit labs review, not guru 3d review...
But i do agree, such a bang for buck hasnt been seen by now...
I have a 660ti and im sugesting geting a 7950.
Sorry for my bad English