60hz on BenQ Zowie 144hz monitor with 5700XT


I have recently bought a nice piece of tech for a sweet price the https://zowie.benq.com/en/product/monitor/xl/xl2411p.html#!

But for some reason radeon catalyst says this:


I have connected it with a DP cable. Could it be that the cable lacks the support?

I did not see any oc options or such in the menu. I also use standard mode because else it looks to gray.

Zowie menu said: 1080x1920@144Hz 1080p60Hz

I would like to get the 144Hz feature to work.

Alvast bedankt

Have you tried by going into control panel?
Maybe uncheck the box for hiding unsupported modes?

Can’t find that option. in control panel. Can you guide me there?

Sure! Fastest way:
and then:


For whatever reason in your first picture it has your link setting at 1.62x4, which is the lowest rating for Displayport. As far as I know that link speed does not support 1080p 144Hz with YCbCr444, so try setting your Colour Format to RGB. I believe you can change that in the AMD settings.

Thank you. that helped.

So the cable is bad?

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