600W PSU for a GTX 760 SC?

Curious if my 600W PSU would be enough for the EVGA 760 SC with an ACX cooler. Or is a PSU upgrade needed as well? 


PSU: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153166

GPU: http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=43_1200_557_559&item_id=061674

It is a lot more than you need. Could power a GTX 760 on a 450W.

So go for it. 760 is a good card. You might also consider the 7950, if you want to overclock

Questions about psu´s belong in the "psu" section.

Please next time  post in the right section. That will keep the forum more clean.

Great Angel ☺

Thank you Berserker and good to know. I wasn't sure initially whether to post in here, GPU, or PSU. 

no problem ☺

but yeah 600W is enough by the way like Berseker said.

No problem. I've seen rigs running i7+Titan off 450W SFX PSU and OEM Microtowers i5+7970 off 330W external power brick