600 Watt PSU Enough?

Before I get into anything let me tell you my specs

-AMD A8 5600k APU

-8 GB (2 x 4GB RAM sticks) Corsair Vengeance Ram

-1 5400 RPM HDD

-1 120 GB Adata SSD

-MSI fm2-a75ma-e35 motherboard

-Powered by a Corsair CX600 powersupply


I gave away my GTX650 graphics card for a future upgrade. I was interested in getting a GTX770 like the one here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125463&cm_re=GTX_770-_-14-125-463-_-Product . I was looking at this one but a friend of mine said the power supply wont be able to power this graphics card with everything else. I really want this graphics card really bad but if I can't power it then I would like some advice on a different GPU that will be a boss.

Thank you to anyone who gives me some advice if possible!!!


I would go for the new MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G its $349 and runs fine on my system with a 650W PSU.

  • Intel Core i7-4790K @ 4.00GHz
  • MSI Gaming 7 Motherboard
  • GTX970 Gaming 4G Graphics Card
  • 16GB RAM Corsair Dominator 16GB DDR3-1866

Thats great but the thing is I don't have a 650 watt power supply. I have a 600 watt

I should of said the MSI GTX 970 requires a 500w psu so 600w should be plenty unless you are going to over clock it.


You will be fine, 600 watts is more than enough for your spec even with an overclock.


Wow thanks guys! The GTX 970 looks really good for me!


Yep you will have lots to spare.



You should have headroom for days with a 600w PSU. I wouldn't worry about a thing. Build away.

How good is the 5600K? Is it going to bottleneck the 970 hardcore?