Hey Everyone,
Planning on getting and building a gaming PC for the first time this week, I'm really excited but I'd like a final check on the parts before I buy anything, and any imput you all have will definitely be taken into consideration.
A couple notes:
- I really like the case thats in the part list, but a similar style case is fine
-I might not need a wifi adapter or any storage, my friend will provide these to me. How would you re-allocate the money saved from those two parts?
Thanks for the help!
Those parts you picked are great I would change a few things though. I would say that this would be the best way to go I put in a better motherboard so you can overclock a good low profile cpu cooler and a blower design gpu to help get the hot air out of the case.
The 760 outperforms the 7870.
An SSD will help with boot times and overall system speed.
The case is really quiet. I like it.
Yeah, I was looking at that case too. Also my friend is providing me with a HDD as well as a 128 GB SDD