So I want 6 24" monitors, 2 rows of 3.
Anyone have any experience with a system that can do this?
I was looking at the NorLink arms but their 6 monitor setup doesn't seem to "bend" the 4 outer monitors towards the user, it makes all the monitors stand in a straight line.
This is what im using
The only thing I personally dont like
is with mine there is a 0.5 inch height difference on the
bottom row left to right. Not noticeable
just ocd
http://www.amazon.com/Ergotech-Over-Monitor-Stand-100-D28-B33/dp/B001NPEC64 '
Thanks for that but I was thinking of a more sturdy system, something I can drill holes for in my desk and mount, with arms that go up and down and offer some flexibility.
Yeah I'm sorry Notsodirt, didn't mean to come off as an asshole or anything like that.
Thank you very much for your link!
Anyone know what Wendell uses sometimes when he films from his office? He has a sturdy monitor arm setup I think?
Looking for something like this, but perhaps something a bit more sturdy as these arms don't seem to be connected