I am running windows 7 RC1 64 bit and im planning on buying it in october. i have a core i7 and 3 gigs of ram and do a lot of 3d rendering, gaming and of course a lot of multitasking. so my question is would an extra 3 gigs of ram be worth the 50-80 dollars?
Id say save the money for some other part as the extra 3GB wont give you a huge boost.
Unless you use Virtual PC's alot you wont find that much RAM useful. Photoshop is another program that could take advantage of that RAM. It futureproofs your system but at the moment, it's not really a requirement just yet. Perhaps invest in something that fixes a bottle neck in your system?
I'd say just buy another gig of ram or something, since 4 gigs seems to be the standard at the moment.
its a core i7, you get ram in 3 gigs each.
Oh.... Hmm, then I'd have to agree with the other guys, I guess.
I'd say get the extra 3 gigs of RAM, but only if you have the money to just buy them. I'm just on the Fence here, lol.
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thanks for the help anyway lol. The whole reason for me thinking about more ram is because Blender3d has a built in fluid simulator, which if the resolution of the fluid is up high enough it can require like 2 gigs of ram just for that application. but i guess i just wont do that lol.
if you edit videos and use adobe products and render lots then get 6gb like me it will help alot
Just get 1G of ram then you will have 4G that will be heaps!
i'd say go with 6gb of ram if you can afford it and/or your motherboard has enough slots for 6 dimms. if not then you can get 3, 2gb sticks but then you'll have no use for the extra 3 sticks.
If you are buying Ram OCZ 2x3 (2gig stick and three sticks). I have the Evga SLI running Windows 7 64 bit it is idling at 1.45 GB. The more applications the more ram it will use. Buy the fastest and the best you can afford.
I am using  http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820226050 . I have fault (gripe) only 3 of my 6 memory slots work so this way I have 6 GB running in dual channel configuration. At 1600
The OCZ stuff has good reliability others have some heating issues and faulting when you overclock them. :)
thanks for the advice. i have ocz ram but at default its 1066mhz
EVGA has a nice tool fore software overclock when it works i cant get in to it every time I boot. seems to be WIN 7 64 issue. System will run at your last settings though so it still works somewhat.
Yeah go for 6gb, but try not to mix different type of ram.. you should buy identical to the ones you already have or buy a new 6gb set in 3x 2gb then put in triplechannel
What he said :) +1