6-800$ build for gaming/video editing. (help please)

Hey guys. I've been scooting by on the same motherboard since like 2006ish. It is long past time for a whole new build. I have a perfectly good monitor/keyboard/mouse/etc... Although I could go for some new speakers. I use my computer primarily for Gaming and Multimedia Activities (Video Editing/Photoshop/etc...) I'm looking for a build that will make most current generation games on normal/high settings preferably, and do what I need in the Multimedia sectors of course.

I have some experience with tinkering and changing out parts, but am new to building a PC from scratch. I watched the gaming build video's from the tech and quite a few part reviews. I'm not looking for anything top of the line but my current build PC stutters and lags over everything. I've been playing Civ 5 in the Hexagon mode because It lags so bad otherwise :p

I have a flexible budget, but aiming for 6-800$ preferably. Also I'll need a new case so that might add a to the price just a bit. Any help would be much appreciated guys.



http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3khAS This thing will kick some major ass. The 8320 paired with a R9 280 will smoke most any game on the market. 

AMD FX-6300

AMD R9 280

8GB Ram

Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 

Decent 500-600W PSU



That should do ya just fine


What differences would I see between the 6300 and the 8320? I'm seeing about a 50$ difference in price.

What differences would I see between the 6300 and the 8320?

Sorry. I seem to have a double posting problem today : / Not sure what's going on with that.

The difference is that the 8320 has two more cores. 

That Gigabyte motherboard is a piece of shit, worst BIOS of all time (I have one sadly), do not buy. 

How? I have my 8350 at 4,8 GHZ with that board, Its great. Have you updated your bios to the latest UEFI? The new REV. 4's that are out now come pre-loaded with it.

I have the newest bios and a Rev. 4, the bios is pretty bad to work with compared to anything else I've worked with

Really seems really easy to navigate to me. I guess it's a matter of opinion. 



Here is a really good build that's brand new. The motherboard allows for easy overclocking to 4GHz+ and the 760 will speed up Cuda work and game nicely. 

Compared to the Asus's bios's in this price range, it doesn't make sense to buy a ud3. In my opinion 

I would go the extra mile to get the FX-8320 over the FX-6300.  For programs that support it, the extra two cores/threads will be very strong for rendering and gaming.

Thanks everyone. Now just need to find some good speakers to upgrade to and I'll be good to go. : )