5670x1080 gaming (GTA IV)

My friend who edits videos wants an upgrade from his 3570K/HD4000 for both editing and Gaming, he REALLY REALLY likes GTA IV so I put together a $2000 2011 build that could run it great, then he tells me he wants to do it on 3 42' 1080p tvs, now I've explained already just how terrible of an idea that is but he's dead set on it so I'm here to ask

what would play GTA IV MAX on 5670x1080 on a 3930K OCed to 4.5Ghz, I'm really unfamiliar with GTA IV and multimonitor gaming all I know is its a pretty shitty port

also he's extremely vague on budget so that's been driving me nuts and making me qeustion every choice I've made in my entire life.

7950 CF, 760 SLI, perhaps 3-way.

any idea if 3 way 760s scale well, I'm having a hard time finding bench marks

Well its a prety badly optimized game but I think its more optimized for Nvidia cards.

Amd, from my experience, (i've used both AMD and Nvidia for multimonitor, a triple monior set up) has better driver support, and support in general on thier video cards for multimonitor. I would imagine 760's in three way sli would be quite bad in terms of scaling compared to 2 way sli/crossfire using 2 higher end cards. I can't find any benchmarks either, sorry.

I believe that game is more CPU bound, and yes it is a terrible port.

well its going to have a 3930K OCed to 4.5Ghz

That probably won't bottleneck, especially at such a massive resolution.

if you want to run everything maxed out on 5670x1080 or higher id recommend these parts

Intel Pentium 2
nvidia 9800gt
asus rampage extreme motherboard
and a 250 watt power supply
o and a corsair obsidian 900D caseĀ