im currently running an MSI 560ti hawk (twin frozr 3) and it is currently clocked at 950mhz on the core and 2100mhz on the memory. i tried overclocking more than it already was, and i managed to push it up to 1050mhz on the core and 2400mhz on the memory (with a very tiny over volt). anyway, i played GW2 for a bit and then my gpu drivers suddenly crashed (i had run kombustor for a while and saw no artifacting). so i clocked it back to the origional clock, and it kept crashing about 5-10 mins after every time i restarted the game (when the drivers crashed, so did the game). anyway, i dont know what is wrong, the temps were fine and i reinstalled the drivers and it still did it. it seems to be doing it less and less, but it still happens on occasion. i am upgrading soon, so it wont be a problem for much longer, but if their is a serious problem with it then i wont be able to sell it as working. anyway, can anyone help?
I had the exact same problem with my 560-Ti (MSI Twin Frozr II). I got an RMA. MSI returned the same card and the problem was worse (Driver crashed on fullscreen YouTube). They eventually shipped me a 570 and problem was gone, so it's the card alright, and not drivers/system. I never 100% figured it out.
thanks man, i thought that there might be a problem with my system (i built it like 0.5 or 1 month ago). however, it does meen i cant sell it... oh well, ill just use it in another system for me i guess.
thanks man, i thought that there might be a problem with my system (i built it like 0.5 or 1 month ago). however, it does meen i cant sell it... oh well, ill just use it in another system for me i guess.
Well, they only sent my the 570 after I complained. They sent back the same GPu I sent in because it apparently passed their "rigorous testing." I went through their tech support and they finally agreed to replace it and pay for shipping that round.
I'm going to toss up a hail mary here, but you can try doing a clean install an older driver. I don't think I tried that. I'm sure you can get an old one from MSI's website