$500 PC W/ OS for BF3?

The title pretty much says it. Can I build a PC with Windows 7 that can handle BF3 at say medium settings across the board with decent frame rate for said price? Just trying to get rid of my PS3 and join the oh so wonderful world of PC. Looking for later "upgradability" if possible.

Already have optical drive and hdtv.

Get an amd a8 5600k APU, it has integrated 7560D graphics. Ran BF3 on medium @ 1920x1080 at about 20-25 fps online. Which is playable. And if you ever get more money, you can use "CrossfireX" with the processor with an HD 6670. Other parts, just make sure you get a mobo that supports PCI 2.0, DDR3 1600mhz, get a nice cheap case with decent ventialtion. 

why a A8 if the a10 beats it for 20 more?

0.0 just "aquire" windows 7 on your own time, you can snag any cooler you want, i just picked the zalman because it's better than stock and brought the build to $505


The 6 cores should be able to kill bf3, the 650ti should be able to handle medium graphical fidelity. I don't know what res you want to play at but the 650ti is the best you can do on a  $500 build (it's better than the a10s apu by quite a bit).

720p would be ok with me, it would be on my tv. The only other option for a build with OS around $500 (bare with me, don't judge lol) is the cyberpower custom from walmart. Ugh I know but here it is for $540. 8gb 1333 ram, fx 4100 cpu, hd 7750 gpu, 500gb 7200 rpm HDD and Windows 7. I can always toss some parts at it later on. My pc now is a dinosaur and just need a new one in general. I can multi task with this while being able to upgrade ( I hope lol) Just my thoughts, feel free to call me retarded!

Ok so scratch the whole idea. I think i'm going to build the APU budget build shown in the video. I think I can salvage my HDD and DVD drive, sell my PS3 and not drop a dime on this build.

how about this rig adjust accordingly



just do what we tell you, and it'll be alright. Don't BUY the os, "aqcuire" it. You know with "magic", totally not condoning piracy right now, straight up telling you to "aqcuire" it from your local "magic software" and "magic website". you don't need a disk drive either, just mount the iso onto a usb and install through that, its like twice as fast and you dont need a disk or disk drive.

dude hell ya let me give you some advice on usb install

open cmd prompt


list disk

select Disk X (x is the number of the driver that is your usb device)


create partition primary 

select parition 1


format quick fs=ntfs


now you need the exe bootsect located in the ./boot folder of the windows 7 disk just extract it to your desktop

still in cmd prompt

bootsect /nt60 X (location for bootsect is where ever you put it X is the drive letter in which you just formated)

extract ISO to  usb drive boom instant bootable windows 7/8 usb disk :D


Tag team victory 

The a8 5600k beats the A10 5800k in "Dual Graphics" mode. I did a benchmark for a different website before. The a10 has slightly better integrated graphics, but when you toss dual graphics mode on it with a HD 6670, the A8 beats it by 5%.

Alright guys thanks, so i'm gonna stick with the a10 apu build and use it while I build the next one shortly in pieces. One last thing is my current PC (Dimension E310) has a 7200 rpm hdd and a 260 power supply (the apu uses about half that). Can I salvage those and my disk drive? If so I can make this a stupid cheap build.

Don't salvage that PSU. The HDD is reusable, though. 260W is extremely small, and the brand is probably a very cheap one, which could ruin a $500 investment. Get a Corsair or Seasonic, at least 80+ rated. A Bronze, Silver, or Gold rated (there is even Platinum) PSU will be better than 80+ for efficiency and reliability, but stick with a well-known brand (SeaSonic is one of, if not the best.) Get an 80+ Bronze 350W and you will be set.