So, I've been looking to build a desktop computer for a while now after abandoning console gaming about a year ago, and I'm in need of some advice for a $500-$600 build to get me off of this mid-grade laptop.
My restrictions right now are as follows:
-budget of $500-$600
-all I need is the actual pc itself, monitor and other peripherals are already covered
-a build suitable for gaming and a bit of productivity (mainly running large resolution files in Photoshop and some basic 3D-rendering); not looking for anything super efficient or powerful as this is a budget build after all
-will be using wifi for my internet connection (I would love to use ethernet but unfortunately there are no lines close to where I will be keep my rig :C)
-possibility of future upgrade options
-a hefty amount of storage as the "productivity" side of what I'll be using this build for will require quite a bit of storage space
I've never tried to build a desktop myself before let alone look for parts that work well together, so I'd really appreciate any adivce! :)