Hey guys. I couldn't make an account, so my friend let me use his account. Once the page gets working again I'll register.
I filled out most of this
Budget. $500-$600
Where do you live (what country),USA using Dollars
What will you be using your future computer for? Gaming
Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? I don't know what this is. Can someone please explain?
Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? I have no idea.
OS. Do you need a new one? Operating System I assume Like windows 7? I'll keep it.
Do you plan on Mining BTC either for yourself or Tek Syndicate? Not at the moment.
If you Game-
What kind of settings do you like or what FPS do you want to play at? On the PC I currently have I play league of legends at 9-15 fps so anything better than that would be amazing. On my mom's laptop I get at around 40-50 fps on the lowest settings. I would like to be able to play games like league of legends at 60+ fps. I would also like to start playing my consle games on the computer (move from ps3 to pc) so games such as Skyrim, Black Ops 2, DC Universe Online, Battlefield, etc.
If you don't have peripherals -
What kind of keyboard do you prefer? Mechanical. I've had a membrane, but If im building a good computer I might as well spoil my self, and its for gaming.
What type of mouse-grip do you have? Palm, and I would like a mouse with rapid fire function just incase.
what kind of games do you play? Mainly fps games, with the occasional maple story, league of legends, Skyrim, etc.
I have no idea on how to pick out parts so guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT: I also need a new monitor and my friend recomended a crt monitor. Are those good for gaming? He claimed so.
This is his build. If it's ok could you explain why?
I can see what i can scrap together for you. and also do you need a monitor?
Overclocking( OC,in laymans terms): adding more volatge to a component, such as a cpu or gpu, to make it run faster(free performance boost) with A LOT of added heat. if you plan a cpu overclock(OC) you will need liquid cooling. Think car radiator, but alot smaller. it can handle higher heat loads because liquid takes longer to heat up. With a gpu overclock(OC) you dont nesseicarily have to liquid cool unless you plan on a massive overclock(OC). For example my current gpu (660ti) is runnign at a 118 power input threshhold, with an offset(makes the core frequency go higher ,Ghz)of 125 Mhz or .125 Ghz which gives me a litte extra fps in games like crysis 3 and bf3. and the memory on gpus can be pushed pretty hard, mine is around +325 to the memory. There is however a risk like all overclocking, some chips are different than others and may not be able to take the overclock that other individuals have on their system. Last note, if you plan on overclocking a cpu such as an i7 or and i5 or its amd equivalent the fx-8350, to .2 Ghz above the stock core clock then liquid cooling is a must unless you want to kill your cpu.
If you could please explain what the differences are between the two builds (or at least the 4 parts I posted) and which are better and for reasons why.
I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard that the piledriver series tend to heat up a bit. I'd recommend an aftermarket heat-sink. A Cooler Master Hyper 212 or EVO would work really nicely here. Plus, stock fans that come with the CPU's tend to be crappy.
I'm also wondering, what is the community's idea about a XFX power supply? Personally, I would stick towards Corsair or SeaSonic. I've never really read anything about XFX before.
I would really like to know how people know which computer part to recommend for a build so I can kinda make my own build and you guys can criticize it.