Congrats on half a million subs guys.
yay, half a million, half way to the cool kidz club
Yay Party time
do you guys get a silver youtube play button?
MrMattyPlays literally got 50k sub's in about a day after the Fallout 4 announcement. You guys should cover Fallout 4.
cain's swedish cousin.
Logan has to do a Tek (Kentucky Edition) to bring it back to the old days
That poor bird is probably so confused.
Its having so much fun, look at it PARTY!
Gonna have to remeber this for when I have to deal with my brothers birds as they have to be around small children and tend to just attack everything that moves.
My dad had a Macaw that came from an interesting background. The solution to that problem was simple, wait 15 to 20 minutes till he was sure you were not there to terroize him then he would calm down. Or for a quick fix put a thin dark cloth over him then pick him up near the legs, he liked to chase the cats. Yup cats don't seem to do to well with a bird making crazy shreiking noises that chase them, might have a little to do with the bird being bigger than them, or it might have to do with it sounding like a wheezing raptor off of jurrasic park.
Get them laid (the birds, not the kids). Mature birds that aren't around breeding partners tend to get mean. They also may or may not start humping things in their cages. God knows my old cockatiel had a thing for his rope. That poor, poor rope.