4x4 GB VS 2x8 GB RAM

I am replacing my PC soon and I was wondering if, in dual channel 4 sticks or 2 sticks is better. I am putting in 16 GB of RAM, and it would cost twice as much to get 4 sticks. I thought there might be some reason that 4 sticks is better, bandwidth limits on each slot and such.
I doubt that I will pay twice as much even if there is a small advantage.

it really depends on if youre cpu and motherboard support quad channel memory. because otherwise the 4 sticks will run in dual channel mode and have the same bandwidth as 2 sticks.

As I said, I am going to be running on a CPU that only supports Dual Channel.

2x8GB, no question.

Even with the cpus that support quad it would have sense to go with the largest capacity per slot possible. You never know when your going to need more ram.

i would go for 2x8, because its more handy, for future upgrades.
In terms of performance it does not matter in this case.