4k on an integrated Graphics card

Yes its possible I am using a Intel HD 4000
And have been able to set a 4k display at 24hz (the refresh rate is limited by the pixelclcok on the on-board GPU
This is without any overclocking done to the graphics card.

Now I can play games on it fine because the TV has a post processing and I do not play fast twitch games (I mainly play Eve online) this is also assisted by a dedicated PhysX processor (the GeForce GT 630M to be precise)



the settings I've used are below:


Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000

Report Date: 9/3/2015
Report Time[hh:mm:ss]: 05:41:14
Driver Version:
Operating System: Windows 7 Service Pack 1(6.1.7601)
Default Language: English (Australia)
DirectX* Version: 11.0
Physical Memory: 16271 MB
Minimum Graphics Memory: 64 MB
Maximum Graphics Memory: 1696 MB
Graphics Memory in Use: 1212 MB
Processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
Processor Speed: 2294 MHz
Vendor ID: 8086
Device ID: 0166
Device Revision: 09

  • Processor Graphics Information *

Processor Graphics in Use: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Video BIOS: 2137.0

RESVERED for any notes needed:

NOTE: 8bit color is not required i have multiple color modes.

Note 2: windows creators update blows away custom resolutions and you need to reset it.

Out of curiosity... what FPS do you get? No dedicated GPU is tough life. I have some simple games that I'm interested in running on a TV.

4K plays just fine on a trinity apu. I'd reference a video or two but can't find one on youtube at the moment that mentioned it. I think either @wendell or linus or someone mentioned something to that affect.

Would love to see what 4K looks like myself but my laptop doesn't even know what 4k even is...

I get 4k at 24 HZ thats limited by the 4000s GPU pizel clock frequency of 220 (the scan rate is set at 24 vertical) i can push to 25/26 HZ but its not much better as the post processing on my tv has issues at those unusual frequencies.

you may have to set a custome resolution like i have above as my laptop didn't understand 4k without the manual resolution set.

But that is just the refresh rate of the screen, no? I was wondering how well a game would play at that resolution (since it seems you play at least something on it).

I have no issues with the games usually the games out perform the monitor i get 30-60 FPS (on the games) dependent on if we are talking static images or high depth images.

but as the display is the weak link i gave you the "weakest link" frequency refresh rate.