When do you think it will be good to upgrade to a 4k monitor? From my understanding, Windows 10 is working on improving text scaling. Of course, GPU power isn't quite there yet, but I'm planning to get a good 4k monitor at some point and keep it for many years even if I have to turn down game settings for a bit.
I suppose I would be ifne with 60hz, and I'd probably prefer IPS, but I've noticed that at least now the IPS 4k monitors are very expensive. Assuming the IPS panels continue to be expensive, do you think it's a good idea to just pick up a 60hz TN? I don't really care about g-sync/freesync.
Also, probably one or two more GPU generations until a single card can run 4k well?
I'd wait till AMD drops the R9-300 Series or when Nvidia Replaces The GTX 900 Series. the Gaming Horsepower is sort of here already but you'd need to spend like 600+ Dollars on two 970s or 1000+ Dollars on two 980s to get decent 4K performance. also by then AMD would of Dropped Free-Sync and your Monitor Choices will Expand a bit.
That's a good point. I'm really unsure about buying a freesync or g-sync monitor simply because I don't want to be basically locked into AMD or nVidia.
How are the current 4k monitors? I mean, are they good monitors? I would probably be ok with 4k TN, I just of course would need 60hz. I've been thinking and I've decided text scaling isn't as important to me since I'll have my current 1080p for text anyway.
Considering I'm willing to drop settings down until I get a more powerful GPU (Probably a 390x/980 Ti if/when they release) I could still get playable performance with my 7950.
Freesync is not locked to anyone, it is the open VESA standardised software option available to anyone who wants it. G-Sync is the proprietary hardware bound that you pay a premium for and locks you to nVidia.